Payment Options
We encourage online payments through our secure e-commerce system accessible in LORA Self-Service.
Using Loyola's E-Commerce System
LORA Self-Service account.
Loyola's e-commerce system allows you to pay with a credit card, using a saved payment method, or with a checking or savings account. Students can access the e-commerce platform in theirCredit Card Payments: Tuition payments by credit card will only be accepted online through our e-Commerce processor PayPath who will charge a 2.95% non-refundable service fee. This service allows you to pay your tuition with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.
E-Check Payments: E-check payments are a FREE SERVICE and can be processed online or with a Bursar's Office representative. Payments made by e-check will be assumed cleared after 15 days.
Instructions to Make a Payment in LORA Self-Service
Payment plans are available through the e-commerce system in LORA Self-Service. There is a $45 setup fee for payment plans.
Lora Self-Service Payment Plan Instructions
Payment of the student's bill may be made in person at the Bursar's Office in Thomas Hall, room 206.
Non-cash payments (checks or money orders) may be mailed to the Bursar's Office.
Please mail all tuition payments to:
Loyola University New Orleans
Bursar's Office
6363 St. Charles Avenue
Campus Box 78
New Orleans, LA 70118
Before mailing your tuition payment, please include the student’s campus wide ID number on the check to ensure accurate payment posting. Postdated checks are NOT accepted by the Bursar's Office. Payments made by check will be assumed cleared after 15 days.
We are pleased to partner with Flywire, PayMyTuition and TransferMate to service our international students with their tuition payments. With these vendors, you set up the payment amount to Loyola. The vendor calculates any conversion cost and fees and then gives you a quote for the amount in your country’s currency. The quote is locked in for a specified time frame giving you time to initiate the payment with your financial institution.
If your employer offers a tuition reimbursement plan, you may be eligible for a payment extension of 90% of your tuition and fees. Please print the form below and submit it to Student Financial Services at
NOTE: A new Employer Reimbursement Agreement form must be submitted each semester.
2024–2025 Employer Reimbursement Form
You can receive your work-study funds as a deduction to your student account to reduce the balance you owe Loyola, as a direct deposit in your checking or savings account, or as a printed paycheck distributed from the department where you work.